The Power and Presence of God

Peace and Love

I pray that you are in Good Spirits . This weekend I had such a powerful supernatural worship experience that all I can say is WOW. I love the Lord so much !!! I am Messianic . I am not a Christian because Yashuah was not a Christian he was a Hebrew . God is truly amazing. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I was praising from the Innermost parts of my soul and I felt the light of the Creator and the king of glory come in and I just started Crying . There were just bliss . There are no problems just perceptions. Jesus cast out demons , walked on water and resurrected the dead. He said all that I do you will do and more . I believe him. I love him with all my heart . I saw some demons trying to attack me in the spirit and I did not even flinch I just sent them to the light because I know that nothing can seperate me from the love of God in Mashiach. We all have our battles and karma or demons to fight . Energy work , healing work and all that is great but he said apart from me you can do nothing . I am the vine and you are the branches abide in me and bear much fruit "Yes, I am the vine; you are the branches. Those who remain in me, and I in them, will produce much fruit. For apart from me you can do nothing. John 15 vs 5 YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!! Holy Spirit you are welcome Here Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

For a while I was like where do I worship because you know Im not celebrating Easter or Christmas or believing in a fake Saint Claus . So I just worship by myself or with my daughter . It is so interesting my daughter was 3 when she said Mommy promise you will never take me to church ? I asked her why and she said Just Promise so I pinky promised and that was that . There are a lot of imposters I am not saying that we have to be perfect but we at least have to try . I will go to anybody's home and praise God and Have Bible Study and if I find a messianic congregation somewhere I will go . We are the Church . Think about the Mayans were so connected to the Creator one day they just bounced . They said YAY we are out of here WOO HOO ! It is the same w us it is in our DNA to worship and love the Creator and no matter how many people try to supress it and repress it it is there because nothing can seperate us from the love of God . It is funny when people try to lie to me about God and I know they are lying they will smile in your face and have the worst intentions . That is why I ask God to not let look at the physical but to discern the spirit by the spirit . The Crystal Babies can see the spirit too. They come from all cultures and backgrounds and when they see your aura they smile and look at you and laugh and giggle. They are so preciousMy baby would look at people and start crying or screaming or smiling when she would she would see peoples spirits  .

 K YAY Have an Awesome Week

Love and Blessings


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