Past Life Connections and Victory over Evil YAY

Peace and Love

I pray that your day is filled w joy and love . Last nite I dreamweaved and it was awesome ! I could see my friend clearly and the energy was pure and healing YAY . So I was thinking of past lives and how we meet people and numerology and energy . Remember when I told you I was having a conversation with the guy and he said that I should come over and we should hang out and I said okay and I felt that he was a pharoah in a previous life . Then he showed me his tattoo and it said PHAROAH and I said WOW whoa interesting . Then I met a man named Solomon and then there was King David . I was like did you make that up or is that your real name and he told me his name was literally King David .Our names our given to us by spirit . There is so much power in the name it is our soul signature .

A lot of people think that numerology is demonic because they just believe what people tell them . It is just a science for me like any other science . People will tell you that it is occult but if you look it up occult just means hidden knowledge . There is such a thing as black magic and witchcraft . Those people worship Satan I told you about the lady who tried to put roots on me and my hand start bleeding but I didnt feel any pain . The blood is victorius  The power of the lamb the word of our testimony and the blood .I have been seeing spirits since I was a child so I am not afraid of them .Remember I told you about the parasitic spirit . It is a weak spirit that really needs energy and to be cleared so it attacks in every way it is so low it can not come to you it will find another being to try to attach to to get to you. They have to get to somebody weak and use people and some people do not know they are being used and some do . Prayer and a pure heart is the most powerful weapon . Satan was the most beautiful angel and a worship leader before he became an enemy and was cast down .It is not about people being in church either . Some of the biggest demons are right there in the church and they will hate you because you will have the true illumination and light so they can not lie to you or deceive you because his sheep hear his voice and the voice of a stranger they will not follow . HalleluYAH !!! The Conquering Lion of the Tribe of Yahuda  is Powerful .


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