What we Can Do YAY !

Peace and Love

I hope that you are having an awesome day ! Today has been an interesting day ! I was just feeling so overwhelmed and I said what can I do ? Then I got an email saying that we can give to a cause that feels good !!!! So there was an organization that is helping farmers in Africa and I said YAY and there was another one but that one didn't have hardly have any funding so I choose the first one because I think they are more likely to reach their goal.

There is another campaign where someone was raising money for cancer and someone said what if he really does not have cancer and I said well that is between him and God . I always say that we should just give from the heart and let god worry about everything else . YAY !!! I signed up with kiva.org You can choose to be repaid or not.I choose not to be repaid . It is awesome ! I also noticed with crowdfunding there was a campaign that raised over 200000 and had over 7000 donations and most people just gave small amounts . It all adds up and we can all make a difference.Woo Hoo !!!

I am going to stay focused on the good which means I can not watch the news for a while and I have to stay uplifted and send out light and good vibes . We can shift the vibration of our planet with Love and Light There are lots of people doing great things and we just need to hear more of it !If you want to give you can check out MoringaConnect on kiva.org

Love and Blessings



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