Have a Great Weekend⭐πŸŽ—πŸ‘©‍πŸ’»πŸŒ πŸ’«πŸŽ†

Peace n Love

I'm sitting here listening to music and I am so excited. Harmony was little when she told me she wanted to be a YouTuber and now she has changed her mind but it is possible. I notice a few of my favorite people have stopped posting.

I have to get on the wisdom app Monday of next week.I will be so glad when my wallets are fully set up.I remember when everyone was saying bitcoin was decentralized I was thinking it's not because you have to cash it out in the fiat system so you may as well buy your nft with a debitcard.Guess who owns the most bitcoin?

I'm thinking it may be cool to mint on polygon but for the smart contract it seems like it is just easier to use ethereum.I am still learning but from the beginning it seemed kind of manipulated like the stock market.I remember when they had the bitcoin visas but they stopped working

It is interesting and I think crypto is getting more mainstream.The trading bots are mainstream now .I saw this thing about how ppl are transferring consciousness with different tools and I thought WoW that could get eerie? What do you think?Frankenstein came out like forever ago and now we are seeing different variations of that concept

I'm not going to post tomorrow .Have a Great weekend 



Clubhouse @kprincess33 wisdom app@kprincess33
