
Peace and Love !!!

I am super excited !!! Awesome things are happening !!!I was praying to God because I was feeling like Ok I am getting older my parents are getting older my niece and daughter are becoming tweens and It just feels like WOW!!!

I got my daughters grades and she was advanced in English and proficient in Math and I said I have to keep her grades up .So what can I do ?Copy paste and share Let's Go !!!Social Media is Changing Everything !!! Last night I was in a group and they have over 100,000 members and the love of Christ is there !!! Isn't it wonderful !!!

Sometimes I feel like Oprah in the Color Purple All my Life I had to fight . Sometimes you can just stand still and see the salvation of the Lord and other times you have to put in work . I was thinking of how it is black history month and there is no indigenous people's month . It is kind of sad . So next week I will be sharing Awesome African American women and men who made history and left an awesome legacy7. I think it is important to love and respect our ancestors and what they had to endure . At Harmony's school the Principal gave a speech that brought tears to my eyes . She talked about how she faced segregation. In my lifetime I had a family who worked somewhere and they told her that she had to use a different bathroom. I love being positive but I also love speaking the truth in love and we can not heal what we don't address .

We have a come a long way and will continue to climb mountains. It is an honor to be part of a royal priesthood and a holy nation !!!I feel like we are still in one of the greatest times in History. Some of these kids are killing it on the internet . If you are determined to Learn and Rise the gates of hell will not be able to prevail against you .

Lots of Love and Blessings

C U next week



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