Yesss Confirmation !!!

Peace and Blessings !!!

Guess what ? It's Friday we made it through another week !!! Woo hoo !!! Celebrate !!!

There was a webinar about deception last night and I missed it but here is what I want to share Deceptional is Intentional -Brittany Latrice

The thing is I know that they are lying and have no integrity and character . Sometimes I still try to give people a chance hoping that they will turn to the light . 
Give Thanks
As we fast and pray we receive divine wisdom and insight Karmen Hunter
John 10 vs 10 
The enemy comes to kill steal kill and destroy and yahshua comes to bring life and life more abundantly 
- Deception: a LIE.  The intent is to mislead. Information intended on misleading you that distracts and deters you, placing energy in the wrong place and robs you of time and focus.- 

I just wanted to share that it is just something to be aware of . I feel like most people are honest and have good intentions but unfortunately some are not .

What is the good news ? The good news is that there are people out there who are doing amazing things and when you build on a solid foundation you will not be shaken . You will attract the right opportunities and blessings !!! It's not about perfection but it is about being genuine and authentic !!! 

I am learning about evidence based coaching and all kinds of other great stuff. The cool part is that I know that it works because  it is working for me WOO HOO !!! I realize that I have always been a coach when I was in jr high I would hand out cool points because I developed a cool point system lol !!!

I just want to encourage everyone to follow your bliss and keep sharing your light . I heard someone say if you are blogging or doing facebook lives for free you are wasting your time . I was like Ok Awesome !!! How can someone be the expert on some one else's ife?Some days there are 137 visits and some days 89 or 20 guess what I have to keep doing it . I do what I love and I love what I do YAY Let's Go !!! Another thing is if Macy's or Amazon has a sale no one question's their self worth . If you decide to volunteer at a homeless shelter does it mean you don't know your self worth ? Ayuda Help ? So I think we can make money and give back YESSSS and YAY !!! I feel like despite what is going on right now we are more connected through technology and we are in one of the greatest times of transformation in history Let's Keep Going and Growing !!!

Have a Blessed Weekend !!!




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