Peace and Love

Peace and Love
How are you ? I am feeling really peaceful and blissful. It is so interesting Isaiah 26 vs 3 says he will keep those in perfect peace who have their mind stayed on him and Phillipians 4 vs -8 says do not be anxious over anything make your petitions known to God and the peace that passes all understand will guard your heart and mental powers by Christ Jesus

Is that Awesome or what ? You have a God that has given you the blessed assurance . YAY !! Think about Paul and how he was persecuting the believers and He got convicted by the holy spirit .

Not everybody will love the lord . Some people will choose to be alienated from the light of God and live low in vibrations of darkness . It is a choice but like he said Eyes have not seen nor ears have heard the things he has for those that love him YESSSSSSSSSS

Stay rooted and grounded in the deep things of the Most High and watch what happens next YAAAAY !!!

Love and Blessings



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