Being Blessed is Awesome !

Peace and Love

I hope your week is starting off awesome ! Harmony and I just made an awesome chocolate layer cake w lots of sprinkles ! Yummy ! Yay !

So last week I told you I would share w someone else shared w me at the perfect time . It was a video from Tyrese and it was basically saying Don't Apologize for being Blessed. When I was a small child I was always super sensitive and empathetic to the suffering of others . I mean I would literally start crying . I remember going to different places and seeing different things and just being taught to give thanks to the Creator .

For some reason even when I had challenges I would still manifest blessings . Then there would just be a tremendous amount of hate or jealousy that would follow .  I felt like Joseph when he shared his dream people were mad . Sometimes people would say why is she excited ? I would just find the joy in the small things ! I also realized that if I wanted to be happy I had to learn to master my emotions . Another tool that was beneficial was when I learned about non judgemental justice from Gary Zukav which basically says that it is not wrong to feel compassion for others but it is not good to judge situations as good or bad because we may not understand all of the dynamics that are going on .

For me success is being connected to the Most High and understanding if I am aligned w Divine Will all is well. The only time that I have failed is when I didn't listen to that still small voice . If you want to crash and burn that is the perfect way to do it .I have also learned from master teachers like Yahshuah and other forms of meditation.Fear False Evidence Appearing Real shows how powerful the mind is . If we brought beautiful mediation and healing teachers here collectively the vibration would definitely change . There are lots of prinicipalities and all different kinds of spirits but when you stay connected you can face anything with grace and ease YAY ! I feel really awesome and I am deeply grateful that you took the time to read this blog post .

Blessings and Love



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