Be Careful How you Treat People

Peace and Love .

Today I want to share a scripture with you that blessed me it is Proverbs 24 vs 3 and it says "By wisdom a house is built up and by discernment it is made secure .

Last week was so awesome ! I attracted an earth angel who is very skilled at what she does and has a beautiful spirit . When I made the decision to work with her I prayed and I listened to my inner guidance and I got a YES!!

A lot of people say you have to take emotion out of business and I get their perspective but I use my feelings as a compass or a guide to feel energy and the Holy Spirit reveals all things to us . There is another person that I had been following for sometime and when I joined their program one of their coaches said that they had someone complete a project and did not pay them anything  because they didn't do the work properly. I was thinking WOW some people in Saint Louis                                 people will kill you over a piece of cake  or 5 dollars and you had somebody work for you and complete a whole project and you didnt pay them . Are you serious ? Really?

Now in my mind when I am having somebody work on something I am going to check periodically to make sure that everything is organized and working properly . Maybe it is just me I just feel like everybody's time has value .

Then there is another person who is talkng about God using fake testimonials and going on a speaking tour and when you pay for the tickets she is not sending out any event details . Then I realized she is probably using the money from the sales to fund her event but that is not a way to do business. In my family sometimes we would ask each other Am I doing to much ? Am I getting wild ? So you know me I am like well let me email customer service I really try to give people the benefit of the doubt but then I realized it is what it is called my cc company and just let it go .

There is a reason that you see certain coaches or bloggers who are making money and then they just disappear . The Law of Giving and Receiving says that what you give out you receive back ten fold.So I practice the law of harmlessness but please dont try to play me .God Jah Yah is my best homie so you cant try to pimp me and think it is going to work out well for you .

On a positive note there is a lot of love and joy in the new community a lot of talented people who are creating awesomeness in the world !!! When I spent the money to find a mentor I looked at it as what type of experience will this give me ? How will I grow and expand as a result of working with person ? What type of energy does this person have ? Who is she aligned with ? Psalm 37 vs 4 The Creator has given me the desire of my heart and it was so smooth. I had a question  got an answer back . It just feels like a flow . Yay !!!I am creating an awesome blog post next week that I hope will be of value to you !!

Love Blessings and Peace




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