Celebrating Progress

 Peace and Love 

Today was the first day that it felt like real winter.I have a lot of stuff to share so I think I am going to do a new blog post in a few days.I was watching my 600 lb life and it was so touching.The woman had gotten up to 787 lbs and xhe had to lose a certain amount before she could have surgery.She did it !!! After the surgery she was at 495 and felt like a new person.

I wanted to see a one year follow up just to watch her journey and see her progress.I lost almost 4 lbs. I am super excited because if I stay at this place it means I will reach my goal weight in 3 months. YESSS!!!!

What I loved about this woman's story was that I feel like she had her guardian angel working for her because I felt like how was her body supporting her with all of the extra weight.I totally get how people gain weight myself included.Food is so sensory rich with different flavors and colors and from all different cultures. I am committed to self love and discipline. I feel like it's good to chunk it down and have small wins and that will build the momentum for continued success

I was feeling like this quarantine is superchallenging.I put a lot of energy in getting certifications.I have a daughter who is a crystal child who needs to see other humans and have interactions with a few people .I think its healthy for all of us .I feel like I can't really move forward until all if this is over .I am doing the best to look at the bright side and bring some love and light into the situation.

The scripture meditation for this week is Colossians 1 vs 27.I suggest you read it in a few different versions

The affirmation for this week is When you love yourself you can love others,lift them up and rejoice in their success. 

Let's make it a Great Week 


