Day 7 Proverbs 31

Peace and Love

I hope you are adjusting to all of the changes and the reset that is going on .I have my alkaline water and my grapefruit and vitamin C facemask and have still been practicing Mindfulness and Gratitude as usual.

I was looking at the Luxor hotel in Las Vegas and I really like the Kemetic look and how they were able to create the it.It also made me think of the Atlantis hotel in the Bahamas.Creative Visualization is powerful!!!I love how know we can check out YouTube and see other people's experiences and get their feedback.

I will be sharing another challenge that is coming up soon.Let's pray for our country and that we appreciate our freedom and appreciate our differences and respect and love one another.

The scripture meditation  for the week is 2 Chronicles Chapter 7 vs 14

The affirmation for the week is In the Present Moment all is well๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ’œI value my time and energy and use it wisely

Have a Blesssed Week


