Celebrate Yesss!!!

Peace and Love !!!

This is the day the Lord has made let us rejoice YAY!!! I am super excited it is almost 40 degrees !!!Positive Manifestations have been happening !!! My library fines are less than 3.00 so I paid them off. I am also taking a new course .

I feel amazing !!! Everything I am feeling and imagining is real !!!What if  I create HarmonyCoin and it works woo hoo !!! I love the team behind some of the coins you can see that they put deep thought into their infrastructure . It is crazy how much of an energetic shift is taking place . I was looking at everybody going crazy over this one opportunity and I said to myself this can't be all there  has to be more and there is YAY !!!I am really glad that I listen to the Holy Spirit because some people will say things that make no sense and people will jump on board and say Facts and Truth but it is totally false . We are all seeing from our level of our perception . We are all divine it is just a matter of self -realization . YESSS!!!

The Creator saw a way that I was not even aware of and knows all things Best !!! In Joy your week !!!

Here is the scripture meditation

Galatians 6:9King James Version (KJV)

And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.

Love and Blessings 



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