Peace and Love !!!

I pray that your morning is filled with light and sunshine and bliss and love !!! So it is like the Angel and the Holy Spirit have been sending me these beautiful messages . I was reading a story I think it was from Forbes but I do not remember. The story was about a girl who had her degree and quit so she could work at Trader Joe's . She said it made her happy YAY!!!Then I read another story about a girl who got fired from her job and used it as inspiration. Then I read countless other stories about people who had their Master's Degree and were making 10.00 per hour working at a call center . 

It was such a confirmation for me . I remember working for a company and I enjoyed it from the time I was 19 until I was about 23. I really enjoyed it ! I met a lot of great people and saw a lot and had to learn how to make executive decisions and think fast. I saw people give their whole lives and basically at the end lose their retirement . Then I worked in collections and moved into loan processing and mortgage and underwriting . I saw people making money and then all of a sudden it came crashing down. Then I worked in Tech Support for a while and I liked it . I would tell the customers that every expert was once a beginner !!!Here is what is I learned Corporate America looks out for their own interest and you have to do the same. You can make a million dollars for them one day and the next day they can tell you "You know that feather in your hair we decided that we do not like it and we are going to have to let you go lololololololololololol !!!!

By the time I was 30 I was like somebody please stick a fork in me I am done !!! I had a beautiful earth angel tell me that he wish that he could go back to my age I appreciate him so much.Don't get me wrong we have to do what we have to do part time job temp job or whatever .I had some experiences that made me say I am going to spend the majority of my day in Love , Joy , Service and Fun !!!! As Indigo Children we have to do work that helps others and feels good to our Soul 333! What people want is the JOY !! Some ppl feel like it is in the Corporate Ladder. They feel like whatever society tells them is right . People would tell me I am a Leader . In my head I was like Awesome I am just trying to lead myself and make it out Alive and THRIVE !!!

Another thing I learned is that you do not have to listen to others or explain yourself to others . Remember that man from Saturday night live and people would call and he would said Okay and Your Name is And I know you from ? You can be loving and kind and stand in your power and decide what is best for you .

The Last thing is to surround yourself with other dreamers and healers and fairies and hippies and those who believe in you and ignore those who don't !!!YAY!! I am going to listen to the podcast with Daymond John and fill myself up with Bliss 333 777 11 11 

I love you !!! 

Have a Blessed Weekend !!



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