Happy New WeekπŸ’œπŸ™πŸŽπŸ’«πŸŽ†

 Peace n Love 

I hope that you are having an Amazing day.Guess what?Over 79,000 people have visited this blog since it's inception. Over 350 ppl visited yesterday.

Woo-hoo!Today I woke up at 5am super-inspired.Imagine if all 79000 ppl bought my digital book for 10 bucks that would be 790000.

Or lets say half 39500 bought my course for 997 where I offer support.That would be 39,381,500.Wouldn't that be cool?Lets say only 2% purchased the course that would be 1 million 575,260.

I will have courses that cost less and we will work together to get things accomplished. Teamwork makes the Dream work.If you want to follow me on clubhouse my handle is kprincess33.We can share our wins and challenges and moreπŸ’œπŸ™πŸ’œ

I'm super grateful that you stopped by the blog and send your love and support.A few of my wins right now are

1.staying consistent and building momentum

2.increased positive manifestations and downloads

3.savoring moments of ever new joy while writing, singing, observing,creating art or eating.

The scripture meditation for the week is Galatians 6 vs 9-10

The affirmation for the week is I AM Grateful for ever new joy

Have a Blessed Week


