Happy New Week🙏🤓👩‍💻💜💫👊👽

 Peace n Love 

Its the end of the month.I didn't really mention black history month because there have always been and will always be excellent black and brown people but I feel compelled to talk about it today.

I feel like why are we having the same conversation in 2022 that was being had in 1922.Are there any qualified negra women who can do the job?Ayuda.I can't.

It's so important that we continue to practice Mindfulness, Self Awareness and Emotional Intelligence. Last week I spent time with the Creator and I was shown how everything I had experienced and learned had served my growth and brought me to this right now moment.

It reminds me of things my grandmother used to tell me and when I was young I understood it on a surface level but now it's deeper.

The scripture meditation for this week is Ephesians 3 vs 20 and Jeremiah 29 vs 11

The affirmation for the week is I AM Divinely Guided and Protected

Have a Blessed Week




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