Gratitude n Blessings

 Peace n Love 

So you like the new blog layout pretty cool huh.It makes me feel agua marine n think of water one of my favorite elements n flow state. 

I am grateful for new experiences n positive manifestations. I got invited to some more awesome groups on clubhouse and have new followers that I have followed back.Everyday I'm blown away by my Bae Clubhouse @kprincess33. 

This week let's continue to focus on what is moving us forward. I am going to work on Agile Games n Retrospectives .Today bitcoin was all the way up .

We are overcomers and the best is yet to come .

The scripture meditation for this week is John 8 vs 36 When the son sets you free you will be free indeed.

The affirmation for the week is I AM Blessed by the Best πŸ’œπŸ™πŸ’›

Have a Blessed week 


