Mindfulness and Love 777

Peace and Love !!!

Today I want to share with you something that I hope inspires you to keep your heart open with discernment    I was remembering Rosewood where the white woman lied and said       someone raped her and the whole town almost got burned down. Some of the decendants got paid .

So they went to this woman's house and then this man said we can't kill her she pretty much raised all of us . He had a moment of mindfulness and raised his vibration

There was another story about slaves who crafted their plan to freedom they didn't protest they created an escape plan and got their freedom YAY !!!!

The Scripture meditation for this week is 1 John 4 s 7-8

God’s Love and Ours

Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God. Whoever does not love does not 
 know God, because God is love.

Love is that deep powerful connection in your soul . Hate , anger, fear can contaminate your soul if you let it . Ask the Holy Spirit to keep your heart pure and light . 
So let the good vibes get a lot stronger !!! Yesss!!! My healthy eating challenge is going awesome !!! I am attracting great new groups and understandings and I feel joyful every single day My heart is full !!! 

Have a Blessed Week !!!




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