It's Fri-Yay!!!

 Peace and Love!!!

This is the day the Most High has made.Let us Rejoice and Be Glad in itπŸŽ€πŸ’•πŸŽ€Recently I reconnected with one of my family members and her energy is nice and supportive and genuine.I think it is partially because she was deeply loved by our grandmother and her father.

We are going to hang out soon and chat.I feel like it's important to have a few good female friends .

If somebody ever tries to play you and then tries to come back and reconnect jus say it's going to be a no for me and keep it moving.They just want to see if you are stupid.If someone cheats on you multiple times it's because they don't want to be monogamous. It's like the man said he/she is just not that into you.I think it helps if you don't take things personal.I remember one time my cousin said that her husband n his friend were weird and that he liked him a little too much .Then she said who am I to stand in the way of love and we laughed and joked about creating a Congratulations on your new relationship card.Tell your female family members that they are beautiful and loved and needed .Teach them when they are thirteen that they don't ever have to fight to be with someone.I hope that I am helping someone todayπŸ’œ✨🌟True story there were two women in the south that were dating a man.One was a teacher.The other one waa doing pretty good for herself .The man told the teacher to kill the other woman.She did and she went to jail.The other woman died.He went on with his life and met another woman.Guess who he cared about?Nobody.πŸ€”

I feel like relationships should feel healthy and help you grow.Bad relationships are bad for your mental and physical well being.Having a strong sense of self helps because you can do things you enjoy alone and you are whole and complete by yourself. Sometimes I feel like people put unrealistic on relationships expecting someone to fulfill them or be their everything but that is too much pressure for one person.I remember being in highschool and two people being killed in relationships and thinking to myself I can't. I had a boyfriend and all we did was write each other letters and talk on the phone n sit next to each other.I remember studying and in this religion people couldn't talk to you without you having a chaperone .God loves us so much and most people don't want anything. If you are chosen they just want to distract you and take you off purpose. It also keeps people accountable because if they do too much there will be consequences and repercussions.

Some people don't play about their daughters,nieces,cousins, at all.The Moral of the Story is love yourself and surround yourself with loving relationships. Have a Blessed WeekendπŸ‘‘πŸ€—πŸŽπŸ’«πŸ˜ŠπŸŒŸ✨⭐🌠




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