It is 60 degress

 Peace n Love

It is about 60 degrees!!!I am so glad.I get to spend a few brief moments with my bae Clubhouse this afternoon. I'm learning a lot about fundraising and startups.

Things are not the way they were in the past where you can work for a company 50 years and retire.It is super cool that you can teach your teenager high paying skills so they can have an advantage before they graduate highschool.

They have coding bootcamps, and other cool classes and certifications.Harmony loves learning languages she started with German and then Russian and Swahili then went to French and we are going to make sure she's fluent before she goes back to the others .

I love the information ageπŸ’•πŸ™⭐πŸ‘‘πŸ’“Information is Light and Light  is information

Have a Blessed Weekend!


