Happy New MonthπŸ’œπŸ™πŸ€—πŸ’₯πŸ’›πŸ‘Š

 Peace N Love

October is here.I had a blessed weekend.I received a small win so I am grateful.It feels good to see Giants fall n light n peace starting to prevail on this planet.People out here getting million dollar settlements and the devil wants you to settle for a ten dollar credit .Isn't that crazy?

I don't really put too much energy into outside platforms.So many people's businesses and livelihood are tied to platforms that switch up and close their accounts for no reason.This is why I always  say text me or email me .

My profile visits on Twitter are up over 500% .I think that's interesting. Do you remember MySpace I thought it was cool I'm not sure why it didn't last.Right now it seems like the discord is bc what's popping especially for the nft community.

Feel free to comment and let me know your weekly goal n what you are working on.The scripture for this week is beautiful and comforting. It is Isaiah 63 vs 9 .

The affirmation for this week is Isn't it Wonderfully every area of my life is improving?

I will do another post in a few days 

Have a Blessed Week




