Following your Bliss n Making a Difference


This morning is blessed.I was thinking about sacred geometry and how it contains the secrets of the universe .I was also thinking of how when I was little n my mom would talk to the plants n I asked her why and she told me they could her her and respond.

I understand it on a deeper level now.If we can improve the consciousness of plants imagine what we can do with children and young adults ๐Ÿ’ซ๐Ÿค“๐Ÿ‘ฝ!!!

I'm listening to testimonies on Clubhouse !!!God is so Amazing !!!Soul ties are being severed and Blocks are being released .

Follow Tavis Taylor.This is one of my first few times listening to her but people are sharing awesome testiimonies.I love seeing people having breakthroughs and new discoveries

Have a Blessed Weekend 


