Love and Abundance Frequency 888

Peace n Love Beautiful Souls !!!

I just found a dollar I am Rich !!! Yesss!!!I hit the abundance frequency and was like Oh Wow 888!!! Then I found my private money book and created a million dollars in my mind a few years . I have to find some people who see what I see .

So I found a dollar while I was cleaning up and I said YAY thankyou Lord I am Rich !!!Speaking of a dollar why do some of the survery ppl try to pay a quarter ? I can't . I need a dolla need a dolla need a dolla . I love doing focus groups and learning how crypto works a dollar per minute or so is sufficient .
So let's talk about Love . Have u ever seen Sister Wives ? It is interesting . Have u noticed that some women fight over men . Do you ever think to yourself  Huh? Here is a revelation you can't fight everybody . No matter how loving and kind and beautiful you are there are some people that are not honest and don't have integrity. Then there are community men that don't really belong to anybody. Like when I see people saying they are a woman's manager but they are really a pimp . I can't. I feel like Love Protects you and Covers you and Keeps you Safe from harm . I get that women are taught that we have to compete and we live in a male dominated society but we don't have to believe that . If you have you  then you have everything.

I feel like we need to stop blaming the woman and saying she is the devil and face reality . A man that puts you in a comprising and unhealthy situation on a repeated basis that is not love in my opinion I could be wrong I am just saying . Love is Truth and Empowering and it Lifts you up and Strengthens you . I am not just talking about romantic love .We don't have to keep a leash on people when the love is mutual . I don't think anybody wants to feel bound .OMG my friend just posted a meme that said Women are supposed to look like tens all the time while men look like Warm Coleslaw LOL !!!
Here is the scripture meditation of the week Ephesians 4 vs 10-12

And the same one who descended is the one who ascended higher than all the heavens, so that he might fill the entire universe with himself. Now these are the gifts Christ gave to the church: the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, and the pastors and teachers. Their responsibility is to equip God’s people to do his work and build up th


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