Yessss 333!!!

Peace and Love

Today is the day that the Lord has made let us rejoice and Be Glad in It !!!The Most High and the Holy Spirit spoke to me this week and my heart felt so full !!! A while back I applied for a job and I took a typing test,sales, aptitude test and had two phone interviews and then the lady asked me if I would be willing to give a strand of my hair????????In my mind I was irritated and saying to myself kwa nini LOLLOLOLOLOL. So anyway I prayed and God showed me alternative ways to make cash. God works through people and if we harden not our hearts we can be showered with blessings YAY !!!

So anyway I was thinking of all the wonderful blessings and focusing on them !!! I am ready to get a part time job now and I remember the people who sent me all the great information and showed me exactly how they do deals and I kept his number .God is the giver and the gift and creates his own amazing Channels Florence Scovel Shinn When I wanted to learn about publishing books my mom said to me who is the best ? She didn't care if they were unicorn, fairy , purple black white or green .I remember the man saying that he bought 1000 homes and I thought to myself that is awesome !!! What if I can buy 10 ? What keeps me happy and joyful is that in my heart I truly feel excited for others and their successes and feel like what God can do for one he/she can do for all ? So how can I hate anyone ?

Pure Love Heals 777!!All non factors and trolls and stalkers flee in the name of Yahshua Hamashiach YAY 11 11 !!! The Lord inhabits the Praises of His People and He strengthens us !!! His Good is from Everlasting to Everlasting 777.

Love and Blessings




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