Remember your Successes

 Peace n Love 💜

I hope that you had a Blessed week !!!This week I reflected on a collections job I had and how I set the intention to collect 800 dollars one day and I did it with no resistance.I got to thinking what if I can do that for myself !!!Yes I can.I was basically selling others on the benefits of paying their bills.Then I worked in fraud prevention and it was kind of the same concept .Whatever Goal you set for yourself you can achieve it if you have the right strategy and eliminate anything that may be standing in your way .I feel like Goal Setting is the foundation of Coaching and also continuous improvement which is why I love Agile .

Then I did some research on Digital Marketing and how it is going to increase over the next few years and I said Yesss!!!!I AM in the Right Place @the right time.I am also starting another challenge next week.I decree that I AM a Thriving Artist instead of a starving artist.

Have a Blessed Weekend 💜🙏💛💫




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