Staying Peaceful and Warm

 Peace n Love

I took a week off and I was quiet.I was starting to feel like one day was floating into the next and that this was taking a toll on me.I did a lot of prayerful work and worked on  mindfulness .

I continue to move forward with learning and my goals.In a coaching class I was reminded of this book called The Pact about three black men who were committed to become doctor's and they were successful. It reminded me of when I was younger and we were in Middle School and I created a cool point reward system for good deeds.It was a lot of fun and it worked.It reminded me that learning can be fun .We will talk more about that next week

This week we can continue to spread love and good vibes.The scripture meditation for this week is Phillpians 4vs 6-8

The affirmation for this week is I am creating Love and Joy and having fun in the process

Have a Blessed Week




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