Review of the Netflix Series From Scratch

Peace n Love It is super cold today .So the series after I watched it I was like in tears.Link knew that he had done too much and needed to be near his home .

I was mad that they couldn't finish Zora's wedding .I feel like there was some colorism there and they kept putting  her last even though she pretty much held everything together.Then they said in Italy Amy was a little dark but pretty?I'm glad she addressed it with Amy but she didn't  seem to get it and felt like everything revolved around her.I mean how do you have ur cell phone in during your sister in law's wedding like they couldn't wait two hours.πŸ˜ΆπŸ€”πŸ˜³

I love how they had compassion and love for each other.I didn't understand why she proposed to him instead of letting him propose to her that seemed kind of pick misha-ish.I wish they could have had a business plan and some funding in place so that he didn't have to struggle when he got to America.You hear so many stories of ppl meeting on vacation n then coming to America and reality sets in kinda like the 90 Day Green Card I mean the  90 day  fiance show.

It's really hard when the honeymoon period is over and reality sets in .I feel like the cancer was a manifestation of his soul n consciousness.I love how she supported him in finding Sicilian friends.I know he felt ashamed when her dad gave her the money in front of everyone. He should have cashapped her privately.You can't live off love.They should have stayed homie lover friends and she visits Italy twice a year and he visits the US also.

I felt like by the end of the movie he was just tired of her and tired period because he kept saying I'm so tired.Then she was jealous of the little girl because she realized he was tired of her .He just wanted to spend time with her Idalyia because he knew he was really sick.The experimental drugs didn't help.

Her dad was right.It was great to watch.His soul was connected to his father's soul.I'm glad they made peace .

Lino was like an earth angel.

What do you think ?


