Happy New Week

 Peace n Love

I hope that you had a good day!I counted my blessings as usual.It felt good to pause n reflect n practice mindfulness.I thought about this YouTube video n they literally copied word for word.It also make the think of some of the wisdom teachings that were stolen and then changed like Huna and how it was watered down into Hoopono N some of the original teachings of Indian and Africa.

I just said to myself I can see this and acknowledge it and not react right now.So I channeled my energy into pure love and joy and created a couple of mandalas.I made two small ones and another two that were normal size.

In the industry news it says Opeansea raised 300 million with a valuation of 13.3 billion according to news.artnet.com .There are supposed to be funds available for grants for creators.

Mintable is also working on gasless minting.I see great things happening in the future .The recommended reading for this week is Kat Knecht -Evolve Your Coaching Business :The Ultimate Guide to Success Doing the Work you Love 

The affirmation for this week  is I AM a Vessel of Love, Peace n Joy.

The scripture meditation for this week is Proverbs 21 vs 23

Have a Blessed Week 




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