Faithful and True

Peace and Love
Can u feel the shifts? God is so awesome and powerful !!!I was reading the book of Joshua and each time I read the word I get more revelation . It was interesting where he told them at one point they would not have to fight and the shouted and chanted it down that is what is happening with this Babylon thing prophecy being fulfilled Yesss!!!

Then there were other times when Joshua was taking off people's heads and I was like WOW YHWH Gibbor. He is mighty in battle . Have u noticed most people don't talk about that all they say is God is love and forgiveness .God said kill everything breathing . Why because they were coming to destroy them and their children and that is a no no .

So when people steal and try to destroy you forgive them and make them pay you .They always come with smiling faces .Enjoy your week and give thanks to the Most High for faithfulness and love . This week's meditation is Psalm 92 a sabbath song !!!

Love and Blessings


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