Happy New WeekπŸ™πŸ’œπŸ’«πŸ‘‘πŸ€—πŸ’«

 Peace n Blessings

I hope that you had a good day .Today was really good.It was like  a high above 80 degrees instead of over 100 degrees or a heat index in the triple digits.

I had to do a mindset reset because I was feeling like there was a lot going on within the systems that we live in.The financial system and the education system are experiencing so many changes

I feel like like self-efficacy and self esteem are super important. If we teach the children how to think they will be able to overcome obstacles and achieve success. We don't need to give them too much non sense and complicate things or confuse them.

If you give them a strong self of self love they will find their gifts and bring light to the world and leave everything and everyone better .

The scripture meditation for the week is Philippians 4 vs 13 

The affirmation for the week is -Everything is Figureoutable.I ask questions and I receive answers

Have  a Blessed Week


